CWEL C-30/250 KW

The CWEL C-30/250 KW Wind Electric Generator is a three-bladed; stall regulated upward Wind WEG with installed power of 250 KW and a 29.8 m rotor diameter, with Active Yaw system. It incorporates an integrated design where all nacelle components are attached to the gearbox. Hence, there is no chance of any misalignment during assembly or throughout the lifetime of the WEG, thereby reducing the cost on maintenance.

The rotor blades are made of FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester), which are bolted to the Hub. The Hub, unlike other makes of Wind Electric Generators, is directly mounted on the front side of the low speed shaft. The Generator is directly flange mounted on the rear side of the Gearbox through a Flexible coupling. In the absence of the Main shaft and extra Bearings, the power transmission loss is minimized ensuring maximum input power on the Generator. The Gear Wheels and Gear-Bearings are force-lubricated and the Oil is continuously force-fed cleaned by the filter. The Lubrication system along with the Hydraulic Brake System is fitted on the Gearbox minimizing the torque on the Brake pads. The soft-braking concept means that the Hydraulic Brakes are applied only after the aero-dynamic Tip brakes have been applied, thereby minimizing the wear and tear of Brake Pads,' as also increasing the life of the Hydraulic Brake system.

The Hydraulic Brake system is of negative Fail-Safe type. In this system the Hydraulic pressure is needed only to release the Brake and not for acting against the mechanical spring. Thus, even if there is any failure in any part of the Hydraulic Brake system, the WEG will be stopped without any problem, thus eliminating any risk to the operator and ensuring enhanced safety of the machine. In addition to this very special feature, the aerodynamic Tip-Brakes are actuated on the over-speeding of the WEG.

The wind-vane senses the direction of the wind and sends signal to the controller to turn the WEG facing that direction. This turning on the axis is enabled by the Yaw system, which is activated by the help of two motors mounted on the inner race of the Yaw Ring.

The Tower is of lattice type with 50 m hub height and comprises of galvanized / painted angles bolted together. Internal Ladder is provided to access the top of the Nacelle.

The Control Panel is microprocessor based and monitors all operations of the WEG safeguarding it against any faults and failures. The Generator is Asynchronous type with Dual speed having 4/6 poles. While the smaller Generator works in low wind speed, the larger Generator works in higher wind speeds. It is ambient air-cooled by an inbuilt fan.